Rocket inspired All Levels Vinyasa @ Feelgoodstudio 1160 "Ragnarhof"
Rocket inspired All Levels Vinyasa @ Feelgoodstudio 1160 "Ragnarhof"

Rocket inspired All Levels Vinyasa


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Rocket inspired All Levels Vinyasa @ Feelgoodstudio 1160 "Ragnarhof"
Rocket inspired All Levels Vinyasa @ Feelgoodstudio 1160 "Ragnarhof"

::::This workshop takes place in Grundsteingasse 12, 1160 Wien::::

These classes start with some minutes of pranayama followed by a fiery warm up for the abdominal muscles. Through fast paced sun salutations, accompanied with music, you will find focus and meditation in movement. We will flow through a dynamic, rocket yoga inspired, sequence. This challenging yet playful practice includes balances, twists, stretches, backbends and inversions. You will attempt handstands, forearm balances and headstand variations. We will also explore challenging transitions and variations as well as self chosen asanas.

These classes are recommended for those with some experience of dynamic yoga. You do not need to be able to achieve all of the postures, just come with a willingness to try new things. We will finish the class with a breath sequence that calms down the nervous system and gets you ready to fall into deep relaxation and a long savasana.

::::This workshop takes place in Grundsteingasse 12, 1160 Wien::::

This workshop will be held in English, feelgoodmembers get a 10% discount through


Sonntag, 23. Februar 2025


12:00 - 15:00

(180 min)


Grundsteingasse 12, 1160 Wien



Nora Blažek (DE, EN)


Noras classes start with some minutes of pranayama followed by a fiery warm up for the abdominal muscles. Through dynamic and fast paced sun salutations, accompanied with music, you will find focus and meditation in movement. Her high energy classes will also incorporate balances, twists, back bends and inversions. Variations and adjustments will be offered as well as some time to play and explore self chosen asanas. In savasana Nora likes to use lavender oil and a koshi chime to enable you falling deeply into relaxation. Ich habe 2015 auf Sri Lanka Yoga entdeckt und sofort lieben gelernt. Zurück in Graz habe ich bald mit meiner Yogalehrerinnen Ausbildung begonnen – nicht weil ich unterrichten wollte, sondern weil ich einfach so neugierig war und alles über Yoga wissen wollte. Am meisten faszinierte mich dabei die Synchronisation aus Atmung und Bewegung und welche Möglichkeitsräume sich dadurch erschließen. Yoga bringt mir unendlich viel Ruhe, Zufriedenheit, Achtsamkeit, Geduld, Akzeptanz und Freude. Außerdem bietet die Yogapraxis meiner Neugierde einen unbegrenzten Raum für Entdeckungen. Ins unterrichten bin ich dann ganz spontan reingerutscht, weil mein Lehrer verhindert war. Diese Leidenschaft zu teilen erfüllte mich sofort mit großer Freude und so bin ich nach wie vor sehr dankbar für diese Zufallsfügung.


500h Hatha Yoga Ausbildung Moksharth Yoga Swami Vijnananda (2015-2016) 10h CET Inversion & Arm Balancing Ambra Vallo 14,5h Sequencing & Adjustments Carmen Aguilar Planned: 50h advanced ytt und ein 50h rocket yoga ytt mit Ambra Vallo


32,00 €





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Free cancellation 7 days before the event

Rocket inspired All Levels Vinyasa


Sonntag, 23. Februar 2025


12:00 - 15:00

(180 min)