SOMATIC healing TOUCH Therapy - a human energetic & holistic Body Wisdom Session
Somatic Touch Therapy is uniquely designed to touch based intervention modality to help the body recover from physical and emotional overwhelm, which can also be called traumatic experiences, ranging from the earliest of experiences to current ongoing chronic pain. It is by nature a body oriented touch modality that works with creating new pathways in our neurophysiology to reset towards safety, relaxation and healthier functioning.
It is a gentle and slow type of somatic bodywork that provides critical neuro signals to the body to decrease the production of stress cortisol levels and increase the trust hormones such as oxytocin so we are able to start to organize towards having more and more regulation and resilience in our whole body including the nervous system and vital organs (viscera).
Extremely stressful experiences can deeply impact our whole being from the regulation of our nervous system, vital organs, immune functioning, body structural as well as our core emotional sense of safety and trust in the world. If these experiences are not worked out, they will remain in our bodies whether we remember them or not.
- Annemarie VENUSfrequency
- SOMATIC Healing Touch Session | EinzelBehandlung