6 Wochen Power Start für dein Jahr 2025! Dein Coach.Dein Plan.Deine Challenge.
6 Wochen Power Start für dein Jahr 2025!Dein Coach.Dein Plan.Deine Challenge.Max. 15 Plätze!
WIR STARTEN 19.01.20256 WochenTraining, Ernährung & MindsetZielgruppe: Gesunde Erwachsene ab dem 18. Lebensjahr
- IST-Analyse und Anamnese
- 6 Wochen persönliche Betreuung
- 1 Stoffwechselanalyse
- 3 BIA Check-Ups
- Vertiefendes Ernährungscoaching
- Rezeptpläne und Einkaufsliste
Zusätzlich unser GK TRANSFORMATION AD ON+ Training ohne LIMIT im GK-Studio & WellBeing+ ON TOP VIPs Only Faire Use Laufband, Rad und Gym im GK + Challenge-WhatsApp Gruppe mit Renew & GK-Team+ Tägliche Motivation+ Special Challenge Group Workshop
Bei Buchung bis 31.12.2024 449 € statt 599 €GK-Jahreskarten 399€ statt 499€
spare bis zu 149€
- GK Studio KG
- Piloxing SSP
- BBP - Bauch-Beine-Po
- HIIT & Tone
- Bodywork
- Tabata
- Hot Iron
- Piloxing Barre
- Hatha Yoga
- Pilates
- Back & Core
- Backhealth & Sixpack
- Dance on High Heels
- Pump & Six-Pack
- Jumping
- Power Cycling
- Cycling & Core
- OPEN GYM freies Training nach Plan
- BODEGA moves
- Challenge
- Barre Workout
- Zumba
- Pure Cycling
- TRX - Sixpack
- Gesund & Fit mit Baby
- Core & Legs
- HIIT & TONE by Azra Foxx
- Step & Core
- BODEGA moves
- BBP Intense
- Piloxing SSP
- Tabata
- Bodywork
- Workout Surprise
- Piloxing SSP
- Yoga Flow
- HIIT & Tone
- deepWORK
- Back & Core
- Bodywork
- Zumba
- Tabata
- Pilates
- Pilates & Backhealth
- BBP - Bauch-Beine-Po
- deepWORK (Online by GK)
- Stretching & Rücken (Online by GK)
- Piloxing SSP (Online by GK)
- Pilates (Online by GK)
- Bodywork (Online by GK)
- Rückenfit (Online by GK)
- P.I.I.T & Stretch (Online by GK)
- Piloxing SSP (Online by GK)
- Tabata (Online by GK)
- Family Training (Online by GK)
- Best of Toilet Paper (Online by GK)
- Sixpack (Online by GK)
- Burpee Challenge (Online by GK)
- Bauch-Beine-Po (Online by GK)
- Barre (Chair) Workout (Online by GK)
- Tabata (Online by GK)
- Yoga Relax (Online by GK)
- Dance (Online by GK)
- BODEGA Moves (Online by GK)
- Back & Core (Online by GK)
- PUMP (live by GK)
- Yin Yoga (Live by GK)
- BODEGA moves (live by GK)
- Fitnessboxen (live by GK)
- Barre Workout (live by GK)
- Piloxing SSP (live by GK)
- Pilates (live by GK)
- Fitness & Health Webinar: Training und Tipps für dein Immunsystem Fr 03.04.2020
- Natural Bodybuilding - Peter Schurin
- Pilates mit Romaric (live by GK)
- Piloxing SSP mit Romaric (live by GK)
- Zumba mit Romaric (live by GK)
- Piloxing Barre mit Romaric (live by GK)
- THE MIX by Piloxing mit Romaric (live by GK)
- Piloxing Knockout/ Strong by Zumba im Wechsel mit Romaric (live by GK)
- Bootcamp (live by GK)
- Bauch-Beine-Po (live by GK)
- Functional Training by Eric Foxx (live by GK)
- Piloxing Barre (live by GK)
- Tabata by Azra Foxx (live by GK)
- Back & Core (live by GK)
- HIIT & Tone (live by GK)
- Stretchilates by Azra Foxx (live by GK)
- Azraloxing by Azra Foxx (live by GK)
- Ganzkörpertraining (Online by GK)
- Bauch Beine Po (Online by GK)
- Booty Challenge (Online by GK)
- Abs & Core (Online by GK)
- Bodywork mit Theraband (Online by GK)
- California Workout (Online by GK)
- Sixpack & Cardio (Online by GK)
- Gesunde Wirbelsäule (Online by GK)
- Krafftraining (Online by GK)
- Family Training (live by GK)
- Dynamic Pilates (Online by GK)
- Aerobic (Online by GK)
- Pump & Power (live by GK)
- Bodywork (live by GK)
- Tabata (live by GK)
- Back & Core (live by GK)
- Barre Workout (live by GK)
- Body-Challenge (Outdoor Training)
- Weekend HIIT (Outdoor Training)
- Total Bodyworkout (Outdoor Training)
- TRX (Outdoor Training)
- Morning Bootcamp (Outdoor Training)
- deepWORK (live by GK)
- Latin Dance (live by GK)
- Burpee Time (live by GK)
- Yoga im Park (Outdoor Training)
- TRX (Outdoor Training)
- Piloxing (Outdoor Training)
- TRX (@Garden)
- Bodywork (Outdoor Training)
- PIIT & Sixpack (live by GK)
- Tabata (Outdoor Training)
- Pumping (Outdoor Training)
- VIDEO DES TAGES (Online by GK)
- Backhealth (live by GK)
- BBP - Bauch-Beine-Po (live by GK)
- Cycling & Core (live by GK)
- California Workout (live by GK)
- Jumping (live by GK)
- Pump and Cardio (live by GK)
- Piloxing Barre (live by GK)
- Total Bodyworkout (live by GK)
- STRONG NATION mit Romaric (live by GK)
- Pumping (live by GK)
- Yoga Flow (live by GK)
- Yoga Flow (LIVE BY GK)
- TRX & HIIT (live by GK)
- HIIT & Tone
- BBP - Bauch-Beine-Po (live by GK)
- Yoga Flow (live by GK)
- Full Bodyworkout by Azra
- Booty & ABS (live by GK)
- JUMPING Live by GK
- Pure Cycling live by GK
- Krafttraining (live by GK)
- Yoga Relax (live by GK)
- California Workout (live by GK)
- Fitnessboxen goes HIIT (live by GK)
- Pump & Sixpack (live by GK)
- HIIT & Tone (free live stream)
- Dance Fitness Party by Ruben
- Silent Jumping
- Cycling & Sixpack
- "Silent" Jumping
- Piloxing SSP®
- Power Cycling
- Yoga
- Pump & Sixpack
- Wake Up Cycling
- HIIT & Tone
- Piloxing SSP®
- BBB - Bauch Beine Po
- Tabata
- Bauch Beine Po - Intense
- Pumping
- "Silent" Jumping
- Boxplosion
- Happy Sound Cycling
- Bodywork
- Boxplosion
- Piloxing©
- Pilates (Livestream)
- Pilates
- Step Aerobic
- Fatburning Retro Party 8000 Steps
- Piloxing - LIVESTREAM
- HIIT & Tone
- BBP - Bauch-Beine-Po
- Renew - Einsteiger
- Renew - SARAH
- Tabata (Livestream)
- Triple X Fusion
- Iron Body
- Fatburning Retro Party 8000 Steps
- Pumping
- Bauch Beine Po - Intense
- Iron Body
- Bodyforming Yoga
- Piloxing SSP®
- Female
- Step and Tone
- My Cottage Med Yoga Brunch
- Wake Up Yoga
- Energy Boost Break
- Silent Disco Outdoor Latin Dance
- Barre
- Bodywork+Kinderbetreuung
- Pump & Sixpack
- Triple X Workout
- Outdoor Challenge
- Bodyshape - ALL IN
- Bodyshape Teens-Edition
- KIDS Dance
- Triple X Workout
- Outdoor Challenge
- KIDS Dance
- Bodyshape Teens-Edition
- *10JGK* - "Best of Kathy" - Killing U friendly
- *10JGK* - "HARDCORE BODYSTLING"- Olympia, Trap-Bar & Heavy weights
- *10JGK* - Kickboxing by Shinergy Founder und Weltmeister Ronny Kokert
- *10JGK* - 19:10 Shuffle Dance - SpeedITup - Daniela Berenz - Österreichs einzige Shuffle Dance Trainerin
- *10JGK* - 19:40 JUMPING PARTY TEAM TEACH Manu & Tanja
- *10JGK* - Piloxing - Barre - Shape: Turnsaal Team-Teach Josi/Nadia/Steffi
- *10JGK* - DISCO DANCE WORKOUT - Elisa Ferstl - Sängerin, Schauspielerin und Tänzerin
- Fatburning Retro Party 8000 Steps
- Bodywork
- Power Cycling
- Pumping
- Bodywork
- Step Aerobic
- "Silent" Jumping
- Kanga Training
- Silent Disco Cycling Party by IGS
- Power Cycling - Spinning Bike (no display)
- Power Cycling - Spinning Bike (no display)
- Cycling & Sixpack- Spinning Bike (no display)
- Sculpt Dance XMAS Special mit Josi
- Christmas Power Cycling
- Christmas Party Training by Kathy
- Barre
- IGS & GK - Triple-Power Cycling Party Special - Yvonne, Kathi und Jackie
- #Female Bodystyling mit Sarah Haitszinger - Start 12.02.24 - Neukunden
- #Female Bodystyling mit Sarah Haitszinger - Start 12.02.24 - GK-Mitglieder
- FemmePowerDay - Female Bodystyling
- FemmePowerDay - Cycling Special
- FemmePowerDay - Iron Body
- FemmePowerDay - Sculpt Dance
- FemmePowerDay - Bodywork
- FemmePowerDay - Piloxing SSP
- FemmePowerDay - Jumping
- FemmePowerDay - deepWORK
- FemmePowerDay - Bodyforming Yoga
- FemmePowerDay - Workshop mit Ronny Kokert
- PURE Cycling
- FemmePowerDay - WellBeing Roadshow Bio Resonanz, Stoffwechsel & Beauty
- Jumping
- Bauch-Beine-Po
- Step Aerobic
- BBP - Bauch-Beine-Po
- Bauch-Beine-Po
- *Late Night Pilates -Let it Go.*
- Piloxing SSP
- #Female Bodystyling mit Sarah Haitszinger - Start 15.04.24 - Neukunden
- HIIT & Tone
- PURE Cycling
- Pilates
- "Silent" Jumping OUTDOOR
- Silent Disco Cycling OUTDOOR
- Boxing like a star - *Fight it Right*
- *Late Night Pilates -Let it Go.*
- #Female Bodystyling mit Sarah Haitszinger - Start 11.11.24 - Neukunden
- Bauch Beine Po intensiv
- Pilates Classic
- Pilates meets Deep Mobility
- Goldies 60+
- BodyFlow
- Iron Body
- Pilates Classic
- Barre
- HIIT & Tone
- Kundalini Yoga
- Somatisches Aroma Yoga
- Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra
- Metabolic Strength & Stretch
- Bauch-Beine-Po
- Special FitnessBoxen
- "Silent" Jumping
- Bodywork
- Tabata
- Trial Piloxing Class 30' - Try a new teacher for free
- Bodywork
- Pilates
- Bodywork strenght & cardio
- Jumping
- Iron Body
- Jumping
- Back & Core
- Bodylates
- "Silent" Jumping
- "Silent DISCO" Jumping
- Tabata
- Bodywork