Kirtan mit Jaya Deva

Starts on Saturday, 29/10/2022
Price 20.00 €


Ein Mantra Abend mit Jaya Deva und Christian Weiss

Jaya Deva, der leidenschaftliche Kirtan Sänger aus Barcelona, kommt endlich wieder zu uns ins Yogazentrum, um gemeinsam mit uns einen wunderbaren Mantra Abend zu genießen!

Spendenvorschlag: € 20,-

The practice of Bhakti Yoga or the practice of mantra chanting is without a doubt the great path, the path for everyone, easy and practical for everyone and always bringing great and beautiful results. In this Era of Kali Yuga, it is the practice par excellence, a practice that transforms you and opens you to new dimensions of your being, with effects as palpable as mental peace, emotional balance, and the feeling of communion and fulfillment with Everything, where the sparks of happiness are frequent in the practice, this is like a seed that we plant in each chanting session of the mantra.

The Mantras are words of power, probably from the oldest language of mankind, the Sanskrit, and its writing the devanagiri or the writing of the goddesses. In itself each mantra carries a special energy, where a god is invoked, as an aspect of the whole.

These sacred names, have been channeled by the ancient Rishis or Sages of India, to transform the human being, his mind and your emotions, to settle oneself in the present and open the doors of your heart, so that this light blossoms again without comparison.

'The chanting of the mantra is a path full of devotion, and it has the keys of the heart.' Jaya Deva

'Live in the depth of the present moment, this is infinite, like your own Self.' Jaya Deva

Teacher :


Jaya Deva has been immersed in the Bhakti tradition since born, he was initiated into chanting in ashrams and in the Siddha Yoga tradition since child. Later on, he started playing harmonium in the Sangha of Swami Satyananda Saraswati. In 2010 meet Krishna Das and his life changes in a radical way, left aside the path of Jnana Yoga and focused only in Bhakti Yoga and chanting. He learns the Hanuman Chalisa with Krishna Das and deeps the practice of harmonium in the tradition of Krishna Das. In 2014 after a 6 months travel to India, finally takes the name of Jaya Deva while he is in Kainchi Ashram of Neem Karoli Baba. From 2014 leads monthly kirtans in Barcelona, he chants to the main Hindu deities or devatas, with special focus to Shiva, Hanuman, Kali and Durga. Also he has played in different European cities like Helsinki, Copenhagen, Malmö, Stockholm, and London and also in some local Festivals. He has played in different temples and ashrams in India, in Bombay, Ganeshpuri, Rishikesh, Varanasi, Tiruvannamalai and as well in Bali, Singapore and Dubai. His kirtan style is a classic chant and response kirtan, very influenced by Krishna Das kirtans in voice and melodies, his kirtans tend to be ecstatic and the experience is meditative and a yogic sadhana


1.29/10/202219:00 - 21:00Grenzgasse 40, 2340 MödlingJaya

* All prices including VAT