Free yourself: Own Your Boundaries. Own Your Anger.

Starts on Sunday, 03/03/2024
Price from 108.00 €


Deep within our anger lies the key to the inner power, inner protector, inner queen. 

This Workshop will be held in EN/DE depeneding on the participantsDieser Workshop wird in DE/EN gehalten, je nach Teilnehmerinnen!

Female Anger is Taboo. Socially “unfeminine”. An angry woman has long been branded as crazy, hysterical, delusional, broken, confused. We are conditioned to view our anger as unacceptable, and as a result we often surpress it and turn it inward at ourselves. This results in:

  • Passive aggressive behaviour
  • Chronic sarcasm, cynicism, criticism, bitterness
  • Chronic fatigue, pain, insomnia
  • Physical symptoms: headaches, stomach-aches, muscle tension, jaw issues, eczema
  • Irritability & emotional outbursts (which even you acknowledge are out of proportion)
  • Difficulty trusting others
  • Codependency, playing small, people pleasing
  • Holding back, toxic shame
  • Addictions: work, substances, porn
  • Low life force energy: low sex drive, passivity

What you will learn

We have created a safe space for you to embody your truth and transform your suppressed anger into potent life force energy. In this workshop you will connect with your body & step into your power

  • Understand the social scripts, basics of your nervous system & purpose of anger
  • Feel, allow and hold your anger through your body
  • Develop new skills to cultivate a mature relationship with anger

Embodied Anger is at the core of emotional healing. Without anger, we cannot build healthy boundaries. Without anger, we cannot build self-confidence & healthy selfishness. Without anger, we cannot access safety, because we NEED our anger for protection.


  • Embodiment practices that allow your body to speak and avoid intellectualisation
  • Theory to support your experiences
  • Reflection & sharing to put your experiences in perspective
  • Full day workshop with maximum 12 participants
  • Workbook to take home
  • Snacks & tea in the break
  • an online integration group call after the session
  • A light Lunch with a curry and salad. We will use the lunch break also as an option to go for a walk and get some fresh air.


  • You understand that this work is not intended to be a replacement for trauma work or psychotherapy.
  • You understand that every practice is an invitation & that you are not required to complete if it is not right for you.
  • You take full responsibility for your mental, emotional and spiritual health.
  • I suggest to not plan any big activity for the evening of Sunday

Trainer :

Felicia (DE, EN)

(DE) Felicia ist eine Trauma-ausgebildeter somatischer Coachin. Ihr Coaching orientiert sich an Energiearbeit, emotionaler Befreiung, Hatha-Yoga und Neo-Tantra. Sie verfügt über eine umfangreiche Lebenserfahrung – sie hat in 7 Ländern gelebt, über ein Jahrzehnt in der Unternehmensberatung und IT gearbeitet und ist seit 2010 mit ihrem Partner zusammen. Felicia begleitet Frauen und Paare, um die Natur des Geistes durch Verkörperung und Selbsterforschung direkt zu erfahren. (EN) Felicia is a trauma-trained somatic coach. Her coaching draws influences from energy work, emotional release, hatha yoga and neo-tantra. She also has vast life experience - lived in 7 countries, worked over a decade in the corporate environment & has been together with her partner since 2010. Felicia guides women & couples to directly experience the nature of the mind through embodiment and self-inquiry.


1.03/03/202410:00 - 17:00Hollandstraße 18, 1020 WienFelicia (DE, EN)


kostenlose Storno bis 3 Tage vor dem Event

* All prices including VAT