Inversions - How to safely come into Headstand

Starts on Sunday, 04/06/2023
Price from 15.00 €


In this workshop we will learn the tools, skills and preparing steps to safely come into headstand - Sirsasana.

In this workshop we will learn the tools, skills and preparing steps to safely come into headstand - Sirsasana. Navina OM will guide you on your path to overcome the fear of seeing the world up-side-down. This Asana activates the crown chakra, enhances concentration, self-trust and enhances blood circulation.

This workshop consists of:

Grounding meditation, breathing exercises, Surya Namaskar, Warm up Asanas and Preparing exercises for headstand - and finally we will get safely into Headstand

In this workshop you will also learn:

Dolphin, Headstand, other inversions like shoulder stand, benefits of headstand, conquering fears, strengthening respective muscles, we will work in couples to facilitate the process and use the wall and blocks.


Teacher :

Navina (DE, EN)

(DE) Navina_OM ist zertifizierte Yogalehrerin von Underground Yoga Parlour of Self Knowledge & Social Justice. Sie unterrichtet seit etwa einem Jahrzehnt international Yoga, Embodied Practice und Tanzimprovisation. Als Halb-Inderin ist sie mit der vedischen Philosophie aufgewachsen, die auch ihren Unterricht prägt. Sie hat einen MA in Tanz (von Trinity Laban & Independent Dance, London). Ihre Yogaklassen sind ganzheitlich ausgerichtet. (EN) Navina_OM is a certified Yoga Teacher (from Underground Yoga Parlour of Self Knowledge & Social Justice). She has been facilitating Yoga, Embodied Practice & Dance Improvisation since about a decade internationally. Being half-Indian, she grew up with the Vedic philosophy which informs her teaching. She holds an MA in Dance (from Trinity Laban & Independent Dance, London). Her Yoga classes are holistic in nature.


1.04/06/202314:00 - 16:00Gußhausstraße 2 /IX-XI Ecke Technikerstrasse, 1040 WienNavina (DE, EN)

* All prices including VAT