Somagetic® Practitioner Training

Starts on Tuesday, 23/04/2024
Price 110.00 €



A Training in Shamanic Breathwork, De-armouring, and Tantric Ecstatic Experiences

The 6- day Somagetic® Practitioner Training is a transformative experience offering participants the opportunity to connect with their tacit knowledge and strengthen their ability to “read” bio-energetic feedback. Through the practice of presence and awareness, participants will sharpen their ability to sense body frequency and increase their energetic sensitivity.

Heart-centred at its core, the Somagetic® PT is a trauma informed, intuitively led training thoughtfully curated to support participants in mastering the art of space holding. Together we will explore what it means to safely guide others into the depths of somatic, energetic and emotional release using shamanic breathwork, de-armouring, and tantric ecstatic experiences.

Participants will also learn other helpful practices that can be used to support clients during a session such as aspecting, body awareness exercises and emotional release tools.

 Whether you're already a practitioner or wanting to join us for personal reasons, this training is for those who are committed to inner expansion and supporting the health and raising the consciousness of the collective.

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Trainer :

Nathan Marcuzzi (EN)

For the last 7 years Nathan Marcuzzi has been traveling between continents facilitating transformative workshops and trainings in Somagetic De-armouring, Breathwork and Ecstatic Experiences. Nathan is deeply passionate about sharing these powerful modalities so that participants can experience the inner peace and lightness that comes with releasing energetic and emotional traumas that have been stored in the energetic and emotional bodies since birth. Nathan’s learning experiences includes hatha yoga, meditation and trauma informed trainings, various breathwork, kundalini and shamanic teachings as well as Reiki levels I & II and ISTA levels I & II.


1.23/04/202408:00 - 17:00Gußhausstraße 2 /IX-XI Ecke Technikerstrasse, 1040 WienNathan Marcuzzi (EN)
2.24/04/202408:00 - 17:00Gußhausstraße 2 /IX-XI Ecke Technikerstrasse, 1040 WienNathan Marcuzzi (EN)
3.25/04/202408:00 - 17:00Gußhausstraße 2 /IX-XI Ecke Technikerstrasse, 1040 WienNathan Marcuzzi (EN)
4.26/04/202408:00 - 17:00Gußhausstraße 2 /IX-XI Ecke Technikerstrasse, 1040 WienNathan Marcuzzi (EN)
5.27/04/202408:00 - 17:00Gußhausstraße 2 /IX-XI Ecke Technikerstrasse, 1040 WienNathan Marcuzzi (EN)
6.28/04/202408:00 - 17:00Gußhausstraße 2 /IX-XI Ecke Technikerstrasse, 1040 WienNathan Marcuzzi (EN)


A €110 deposit is due to secure your spot. Nathan will reach out to your directly for the remaining payment and further instructions to prepare for the training.

Before the training:
If you cancel 21 days or more before the training start date, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel 20 days or less before the training start date there is no refund unless you can not attend due severe illness, incapacitation or death of an immediate-family member. All which proof will be required.
If you cancel 20 days or less before the training start date, the amount can be used towards a future training valid for use up to 1 year from the start date of the training you signed up for.
If you cancel 20 days of less for any of reason, tickets are transferrable to a friend, acquaintance or family member.

If you leave during the training:
If you choose to leave during the training for reasons other than severe illness or death of an immediate-family member, there is no refund or credit given.

If we cancel…

If Nathan is forced to cancel due to a lack of sign ups, severe illness or venue cancellation/emergency, you will be refund in full.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are travelling from out of city, state, province or country, we are not responsible for any financial loss of flights and/or accommodations. We therefore recommend that you book only refundable or reusable flights and/or accommodations.

* All prices including VAT