Special Kirtan Abend mit Pavan @ Hanuman Project

Starts on Tuesday, 10/09/2024
Price from 24.00 €


Get your spiritual High with Hanuman Project!

Join us for an incredible night of Mantras and devotional songs in celebration of Radhasthami (The goddess Radhas birthday- she is the heart of bhakti!) & autumn energy and community. Pavan from Hanuman Project will bring his favorite songs and creations which have traveled around the world with this world-famous and well renowned singer. Don't miss! This is a special opportunity to dive deep into the devotional ocean.

Bhakti Bliss guaranteed! :)


Known for their highly accessible and deeply powerful Kirtan and Medicine Music offerings, The Hanuman Project will sweep you up into a whirlwind of chant ecstasy and then plunge in a lake of devotional nectar. This is not a band, it’s a movement - a grassroots and cutting edge devotional music ensemble, ever evolving, dissolving boundaries and creating accessibility for devotional culture in the Yoga, Bhakti and Conscious Dance communities, worldwide. 



1.10/09/202419:30 - 21:30Gußhausstraße 2 /IX-XI Ecke Technikerstrasse, 1040 Wiennot specified


*keine Storno möglich /no refund

* All prices including VAT