Dynamic Meditation with Maitreya
10,00 € | Einzelticket |
25,00 € | ONLINE Monatskarte |
55,00 € | 1 Woche Studio + Online UNLIMITED |
60,00 € | Schnuppermonat/ Trial Month |
90,00 € | 5er Block STUDIO |
108,00 € | 10er Block ONLINE |
111,00 € | 1 Monat Studio + Online UNLIMITED |
160,00 € | 10er Block STUDIO |
25,00 € / Monat | ALKEMY Soul® Online UNLIMITED Membership |
59,00 € / Monat | ALKEMY Soul® VAYU Limited Mini Membership |
88,00 € / Monat | ALKEMY Soul® AKASHA 12 Months UNLIMITED Membership |
99,00 € / Monat | ALKEMY Soul® AGNI UNLIMITED Monthly Membership |
This meditation is a fast, intense and thorough way to break old, ingrained patterns in the bodymind that keep one imprisoned in the past, and to experience the freedom, the witnessing, silence and peace that are hidden behind those prison walls.
This meditation has 5 stages involving intense breathing, catharsis, mantra chanting, silence and finally celebrating. The process first awakens your inner energies through breathing and then takes you into a process of deep mind-heart cleansing through catharsis to make you like an empty vessel, capable of reverberating the mantra "hoo" inside, so intensely that your kundalini energy, the sleeping energy awakens and rises to higher neural centers. This brings silence and bliss together and a feeling of connectedness with everything around.
This meditation is meant to be done in the early morning, when the whole of nature becomes alive, the night has gone, the sun is coming up and everything becomes conscious and alert.
Über den Trainer/Lehrer
Maitreya was born in small remote village of India, and raised by a spiritual family. As a child, his family brought him to an Indian master to be initiated. He was profoundly moved when he was introduced to meditation at the age of 13 by his father. As a teenager, Maitreya left everything behind in search of the truth. Following his many years spent in ashrams in India, Maitreya travels around the world to where longings of seekers manifest and serving takes place from heart to heart, sharing active and passive meditation inspired by Eastern masters. His teachings are largely influenced by Osho and Sri Ramana Maharshi, as well as other Himalayan masters. He is known for bringing humor, love and insight to his teachings.